Are they tired of plucking or waxing that annoying hair? Unpleasant ingrown hairs, pimples, redness, and acne can result. Many prefer non-invasive procedures like laser hair removal (เลเซอร์กำจัดขน, which is the term in Thai). Using an energy source, this non-invasive approach focuses light on hair follicles to unlock pigment or colour. Damage to the follicle may prevent regrowth.

Who Exactly Qualifies As A Good Candidate?

Fair complexion and dark hair work best for laser hair removal. The laser can accurately target hair colour without impacting skin pigment. But, some lasers can be utilized well with darker skin. Patients without the pigment required for therapy, such as those with blonde or white hair, are not excellent candidates for the procedure. Additionally, depending on the technology in question, avoiding tans, rashes, infections, or open sores on the skin is critical.

Laser Hair Removal: The Advantages

Less maintenance is the most noticeable benefit of laser hair removal. You can simplify your routine by never having to wax, pluck, or shave again after lasering specific areas of your body. If you’re someone who finds ingrown hairs after shaving or waxing to be an annoyance, think about trying laser hair removal instead. Less, lighter, and more manageable hair—and, with dedication, no hair at all—will be seen by people who suffer from growth location, patterns, or density, which is an aesthetic improvement. More permanent solutions may be the most cost-effective option, even though a course of treatments can be expensive. This is because regular and recurrent hair removal procedures can add up quickly.

 What Can Patients Expect?

Usually, 4-6 sessions, with 3-6 week intervals in between, are necessary for a successful outcome. This is because laser hair removal is most effective during the early phases of the hair growth cycle. Reduced hair growth is the end effect of laser hair removal. Hair thinning and an 80% drop in growth would be an excellent reaction. Maintenance treatments are usually needed to maintain results.

Laser hair removal has no “one size fits all” option. If you want to know if this operation is correct and which laser is ideal for your hair and skin type, you should visit a board-certified or at least eligible plastic surgeon.


Although quicker lasers and cooling systems have been developed to make the operation more comfortable, there has been little advancement in laser technology over the last 18 years. Lighter hair colours still don’t respond to their treatments. Before getting laser hair removal, conduct your research to get the most out of your treatments and avoid wasting thousands of dollars.

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